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EQuIP welcomes new powers on tackling football hate crime

August 2022

EQuIP has welcomed new powers to tackle football hate crime. 

The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) has issued new guidance as a result of spearheading a campaign to tackle hate crime associated with football. Instead of just being able to prosecute hate crime that only occurs during matches, the new provisions allow online hate crime to be subject to football banning orders.  It means that banning orders can be made not just for abuse involving racial or other hateful conduct in person,  but those associated with online abuse, especially targetted at supporters and players. 

For more details see the CPS website

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Have you experienced or witnessed any form of Hate Crime? DON'T STAY SILENT! EQuIP is here to help! Contact us Tel: 0330 135 6606 Email: Website: Any reports can also be given anonymously if needed.

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